Dear Marley,
Your cataract surgery on your left eye was on Thursday. It went perfect! Dr. SeeGood was really impressed with how well your right eye has healed. We also were able to order your glasses. They are hot pink! We should be able to pick them up this week. I am so excited for you to be able to truly see the world around you.
You're consistently sleeping 10-12 hours a night. It's amazing! You are ready for bed around 9:30 every night and you don't wake up until 7:00 am at the earliest. Do you think you could teach your sisters that trick?
It's Easter sunday today. I can't wait till next year when you will be able to hunt eggs with the big girls. Delaney and Rory had a great time running around the yard and collecting the eggs. They are wild. I'm sure you are going be just the same.
Delaney and I had a long conversation last night about the real meaning of Easter. I hope all three of you girls always know how important this holiday is. It's hard for me to imagine that anyone could love you more than I do but Jesus absolutely does. That knowledge and faith is what is carrying us through all of this and I know it's what will carry you through as well.
We also attempted to take pictures in the bluebonnets this weekend. It's a total Texan thing to pull off the side of a busy highway and make your kids sit on the side of the road in the weeds just so you can take pictures. It was bumper to bumper traffic on Willow city loop and Delaney and Rory were freaking out the whole time. I think they were under the impression that we were going somewhere really fun. They were not thrilled when we made them sit in the dirt amongst the pretty flowers. We were trying to get Delaney to hold you in her lap and you weren't real happy with that. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that it was noon and the piercing sun was shining in your eyes. All due to my great planning. Oh well there's always next year!
Sorry this letter isn't better. It's almost midnight and I'm beat.
More tomorrow.
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