I think we are finally done with "procedures" for awhile. Thursday marked the last one. You had to go to Dell Children's and go under anesthesia yet again. This time to be measured for contacts.
I was kind of dreading the thought of putting contacts in your eyes until we started having to deal with the glasses. Between trying to keep them clean and trying to keep them on your face its a full time job! Well plus the couple of times I've left the house without them. I mean really how many times did I have to get new glasses as a kid because I lost them?! At least I haven't lost yours so far.
Anyway all that to say that I am now looking forward to your contacts. Dr. Awesome is going to go with us to pick them up so that she can learn how to put them in also. We are so blessed to have so many people that love us.
Speaking of people who love us, your auntie Wendy is down visiting from Oregon for a week. She already loves you and your sisters so much that she took her vacation week to come meet you. She and I have been friends for a long time(since freshman year of high school). I'm sure she will have some good stories to tell you when are older... much much older that is.
We are surrounded by such amazing people both locally and long distance as well. When I look at our life I can clearly see how God has handpicked each of the people that are in our life to be there for specific reasons.
I still have difficult days when all I want to do is question " Why did this have to happen to you?" but I really hope that overall as you grow you know that we are blessed beyond measure. You are truly loved, first by God and then by countless others.
Tonight in her prayers Rory first thanked God for baby Marley and then for popcorn. You rank higher than popcorn with her. That's pretty impressive!
Oh yeah and before I forget you can now raise your arms above your head!!!!! With a little help that is but still it's a huge step forward in your range of motion.
With that I'm off to bed because as usual your big sisters will be up at the crack of dawn. Could you please work on teaching them to sleep a little later?
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